Deletion of a node in a BST can be more complicated task than searching or inserting a node.
Suppose we want to delete a node P
1> If P is a leaf node i.e. it has no children, then we will just replace P by null.
8 8 / \ delete(9) / \ 3 10 ----------> 3 10 / \ / / \ 1 5 9 1 5
2> If P has only one child, then we will place the child to P's place.
8 8 / \ delete(10) / \ 3 10 ----------> 3 9 / \ / / \ 1 5 9 1 5
3>If P has two children, then we will identify P's successor. Call it Q. The successor Q either is a leaf or has only the right child. We will replace P by Q and delete Q.(if it has right child then follow method 2)
8 9 / \ delete(8) / \ 3 10 ----------> 3 10 / \ / / \ 1 5 9 1 5
C Program
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct BST { struct BST *lc, *rc; int data; }BST; BST *insertNode(BST *T,int item) { BST *curr = T,*prev = NULL,*temp = NULL; int found = 0; //Search for the proper position of the node to insert... while(curr != NULL && !found) { //Keeping track of the previous node... prev = curr; // If item already exists... if(curr->data == item) { found = 1; printf("\nItem %d Already Exists In The BST.\n",item); } else if(curr->data > item) { curr = curr->lc; } else { curr = curr->rc; } } //Creating a new node... temp = (BST*)malloc(sizeof(BST)); temp->data = item; temp->lc = NULL; temp->rc = NULL; //Only for first node or time... if(T == NULL) T = temp; else if(item > prev->data) prev->rc = temp; else prev->lc = temp; return T; } void inorder(BST *t) { if(t != NULL) { inorder(t->lc); printf("%d ",t->data); inorder(t->rc); } } BST *deleteNode(BST *root,int item) { BST *curr = root, *temp = NULL, *parent; while(curr != NULL) { if(curr->data == item) break; parent = curr; if(item > curr->data) curr = curr->rc; else curr = curr->lc; } if(curr == NULL) { printf("\nDelete Request Failed. Value Not Exists."); return root; } else if(curr->lc == NULL && curr->rc == NULL) // Leaf node (case 1) { if(parent == NULL) root = NULL; else if(parent->lc == curr) parent->lc = NULL; else parent->rc = NULL; return root; } else if(curr->lc != NULL && curr->rc == NULL) // Only one child (case 2) { if (root->data == curr->data) root = curr->lc; else if(parent->lc == curr) parent->lc = curr->lc; else parent->rc = curr->lc; free(curr); return root; } else if(curr->rc != NULL && curr->lc == NULL) // Only one child (case 2) { if (root->data == curr->data) root = curr->rc; else if(parent->lc == curr) parent->lc = curr->rc; else parent->rc = curr->rc; free(curr); return root; } else // both child (case 3) { parent = curr; temp = curr->rc; while(temp->lc != NULL) { parent = temp; temp = temp->lc; } curr->data = temp->data; if(curr == parent) curr->rc = temp->rc; else parent->lc = temp->rc; free(temp); return root; } } int main() { BST *T = NULL; int value; T = insertNode(T, 8); insertNode(T, 3); insertNode(T, 10); insertNode(T, 1); insertNode(T, 5); insertNode(T, 9); printf("Full Tree: "); inorder(T); printf("\nAFter Deleting 9(leaf node): "); T = deleteNode(T, 9); inorder(T); printf("\nAFter Deleting 10(node w/ one child): "); T = deleteNode(T, 10); inorder(T); printf("\nAFter Deleting 8(root node): "); T = deleteNode(T, 8); inorder(T); printf("\nAFter Deleting 3(full node): "); T = deleteNode(T, 3); inorder(T); return 0; }
Full Tree: 1 3 5 8 9 10 AFter Deleting 9(leaf node): 1 3 5 8 10 AFter Deleting 10(node w/ one child): 1 3 5 8 AFter Deleting 8(root node): 1 3 5 AFter Deleting 3(full node): 1 5 -------------------------------- Process exited after 0.4866 seconds with return value 0 Press any key to continue . . .