Simple GUI Notepad Using Ruby

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Operator Overloading In C++

C++ allows us to specify more than one definition for a function or an operator this property is known as function overloading and operator overloading.

Operator overloading lets us define the meaning of an operator when applied to operand(s) of a class type. Well use of operator overloading can make our
programs easier to write and easier to read.

By operator overloading we can't define a new operator i.e.. we can't use ** and define it to find power. 

Here is a program in which some arithmetic operators are overloaded for Complex Number class.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Complex
    float real, imag;
        Complex(float r = 0, float i = 0) : real(r), imag(i) {}
        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Complex&);
        friend istream& operator>>(istream&, Complex&);

        friend Complex operator+(const Complex&, const Complex&);
        Complex operator+(const Complex&);
        friend Complex operator-(const Complex&, const Complex&);
        Complex operator-(const Complex&);

        friend Complex operator*(const Complex&, const Complex&);
        Complex operator*(const Complex&);

        friend Complex operator/(const Complex&, const Complex&);
        Complex operator/(const Complex&);

        class DivideByZero {};

Complex operator*(const Complex& lhs, const Complex& rhs)
    Complex result;
    cout << "Friend * Function Is Called." << endl;
    result.real = (lhs.real * rhs.real) - (lhs.imag * rhs.imag);
    result.imag = (lhs.real * rhs.imag) + (lhs.imag * rhs.real);

    return result;

Complex Complex::operator*(const Complex& rhs)
   Complex result;
   cout << "Member * Function Is Called." << endl;
   result.real = (real * rhs.real) - (imag * rhs.imag);
   result.imag = (real * rhs.imag) + (imag * rhs.real);

   return result;

Complex operator/(const Complex& lhs, const Complex& rhs)
    Complex result;
    cout << "Friend / Function Is Called." << endl;
    float tmp = (lhs.imag * lhs.imag) + (rhs.real * rhs.real);
    if (tmp == 0.0) {
        throw Complex::DivideByZero();

    result.real = ((lhs.real * rhs.real) + (lhs.imag * rhs.imag)) / tmp;
    result.imag = ((lhs.imag * rhs.real) - (lhs.real * rhs.imag)) / tmp;    
    return result;

Complex Complex::operator/(const Complex& rhs)
    Complex result;
    cout << "Member / Function Is Called." << endl;
    float tmp = (imag * imag) + (rhs.real * rhs.real);
    if (tmp == 0.0) {
        throw Complex::DivideByZero();

    result.real = ((real * rhs.real) + (imag * rhs.imag)) / tmp;
    result.imag = ((imag * rhs.real) - (real * rhs.imag)) / tmp;    
    return result;

Complex operator+(const Complex& lhs, const Complex& rhs)
    Complex result;
    cout << "Friend + Function Is Called." << endl;
    result.real = lhs.real + rhs.real;
    result.imag = lhs.imag + rhs.imag;

    return result;

Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& rhs)
    Complex result;
    cout << "Member + Function Is Called." << endl;   
    result.real = real + rhs.real;
    result.imag = imag + rhs.imag;
    return result;

Complex operator-(const Complex& lhs, const Complex& rhs)
    Complex result;
    cout << "Friend - Function Is Called." << endl;
    result.real = lhs.real - rhs.real;
    result.imag = lhs.imag - rhs.imag;

    return result;

Complex Complex::operator-(const Complex& rhs)
    Complex result;
    cout << "Member - Function Is Called." << endl;   
    result.real = real - rhs.real;
    result.imag = imag - rhs.imag;
    return result;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Complex& rhs)
    out << "(" <>(istream& in, Complex& rhs)
    in >> rhs.real >> rhs.imag;
    return in;

int main()
    float r, i;

    cout << "---Arithmetic Operations---" << endl;

    cout << "Enter The First Complex Number: " << endl;
    cout << "Enter Real Part: " << endl; 
    cin >> r;
    cout << "Enter Imaginary Part: " << endl;
    cin >> i;
    Complex c1(r, i);

    cout << "Enter The Second Complex Number: " << endl;
    cout << "Enter Real Part: " << endl;
    cin >> r;
    cout << "Enter Imaginary Part: " << endl;
    cin >> i;
    Complex c2(r, i);

    cout << "The Result Is Of c1 + c2: " << c1 + c2 << endl;
    cout << "The Result Is Of c1 - c2: " << c1 - c2 << endl;
    cout << "The Result Is Of c1 * c2: " << c1 * c2 << endl;
    try {
        cout << "The Result Is Of c1 + c2:" << c1 / c2 << endl;
    catch (Complex::DivideByZero) {
        cout << "Exception: Can't Divide By Zero." << endl;
        return -1;
    cout << "---Automatic Type Conversion Testing---" << endl;
    Complex c3(2,5);
    cout << "Addition Of c3 + 2: " << c3 + 2 << endl;
    cout << "Multiplication Of c3 * 0: " << c3 * 0.0 << endl;

    return 0;

---Arithmetic Operations---
Enter The First Complex Number:
Enter Real Part:
Enter Imaginary Part:
Enter The Second Complex Number:
Enter Real Part:
Enter Imaginary Part:
Member + Function Is Called.
The Result Is Of c1 + c2: (6) + (8i)
Member - Function Is Called.
The Result Is Of c1 - c2: (-2) + (-2i)
Member * Function Is Called.
The Result Is Of c1 * c2: (-7) + (22i)
Member / Function Is Called.
The Result Is Of c1 + c2:(0.92) + (0.08i)
---Automatic Type Conversion Testing---
Member + Function Is Called.
Addition Of c3 + 2: (4) + (5i)
Member * Function Is Called.
Multiplication Of c3 * 0: (0) + (0i)
